Live, Laugh, and Love

Live, Laugh, and Love

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

So  tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! I love that's why I'm blogging about it! I love all of the good foods and seeing my family members that I haven't seen in a while. We all have our different reasons to like the holidays and those were mine:) Tomorrow or the next day I will post some pictures of me and my family. But here's a secret..Thanksgiving isn't my favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS is!!! I love all of the candles and cookies and me going to my best friends house and playing a game with her HUGE..GIGANTIC...ENORMOUS Christmas tree! What we do is someone will go in the corner until the other person is done hiding a cinnamon  stick in the tree and says ready and steps away from the tree. Then when you look for it the person who hid it will say warmer, colder, or your on FIRE!! It's always fun to play, but that's not why I love Christmas! Of course you will probably think it's because of the presents and all that good stuff:) And well that is partly the reason but it's also just because I love winter (not as much as I LOVE fall) and being able to sit by the fire drinking hot chocolate or something..(in my case hot tea.) or You and your family sitting on the couch watching old Christmas Specials together or something like that! But the BEST part of Christmas is Jesus being born!....well His birthday, because without him..guess what! There wouldn't be a Christmas or really ANYTHING!!

                                                                                       Thank you very much for reading this!
                                                                                                                ~Elizabeth H. Dykstra

Thursday, August 23, 2012

School & Sports:)

So this is my 3rd week of school, and I'm in 7th grade. I like bieng in seventh only because your closer to graduating but I won't be doing that for at least 6 more years, and also that I will be on the varsity team in basketball. I play two sports volleyball and basketball..I'm still deciding on whether or not to do softball. In volleyball from 6th-8th grade you are on the Junior Varsity team, and I'm captain of the J.V. team! I can over hand the ball and most people on the J.V. team can't I only know of me and my friend Bambi, whose in 8th grade. So at school you have to have a C or higher to play sports and I do, and it makes me feel accomplished with sports and having all of the homework I do (I have quite a lot). So I like school..well seeing all of my friends and messing around with my teachers and doing good in sports and what I don't like....well of course waking up at 5:45 and having a lot of homework and stuff but I really don't mind it:)
I know that some people don't have the chance to go to school...or a christian school like I do. But I try to make the best of school and it turns out really fun most of the time!

Tell me what makes you happy for school....or if anything does:P

Friday, August 10, 2012

My main priorities's this year!

Well last year I didn't get straight A's, so this year I'm trying to get straight A's all through out this year!
My number on priority is of course straight A's
2. No mis-completed homeworks
3. Volleyball\ any sports I'll playy
4. Being SO much more active than last year! haha
5. Being organized
6. Being as nice as I can be even if there's a fight or something going on:)
7. Being  myself
8. Watch less television
9. To not letting people bug me as easily:S
!10! Be sportive of my FRIENDS and FAMILY and being less shy than I was last year!:D

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Open House!

Today is open house and  I'm going into the seventh grade! Since I haven't seen my  friends this summer so I'm really excited!! Hopefully everything goes good!...I don't see why anything wouldn't but whatever:P There is so many things that make me look forward to school, those are: seeing all of my friends, volley-ball and basket ball, and messing with my favorite teacher!
Things that I won't enoy: getting up at 6:00am, test and quizes, and yeah!

                                   Thanks for  reading!<3
                                                                                                                                         ~Elizabeth H. D.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Best Friends ........continued......

And at school there is Rebecca:): She is a girl in my class i knew before i knew emily but emily
is just my all time best friend:) But Becca is pretty awesome too:D



Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Best Friends

My best friends...well I have a lot of them:P But only two are the best ones ever!
Everyone as that one friend who when you cant tell ANYONE a secret and your about to call your best friend! Not only are they helping you by not letting you explode there building up your friendship so your closer:)

                   Emily: she is that friend:) We have had are ups and downs but we worked them out otherwise her name would NOT be in the post:P but here is us through the years:D
(Heyy! sorry about this but I'm on my dad's computer and I don't have any pictures on here so next time I get on my moms i will finish this post.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


When you get a dog/puppy you get this happy feeling, well I know I did! It was sooo boring from Brunswick to Dundee Flordia! But when we got him we came home and he was about 13 pounds, and now he his 5 and a half months old and weighs 37 pounds:) I have a favorite kind of dog, and it's a boxer and Sarge is a boxer. it can take forever to find the rite name for your dog, and when we got Sarge we still hadn't thought of a name for him! While my dad was driving and everyone was thinking including me, for some reason I thought of cheese. (Probably because I was hungry) Then I thought of Sargento cheese, which led me to Sargent (that's his real name) then Sarge popped up:) I said, "Hey! You guys, what about Sarge?!?" And my mom and sister said Okay, but my dad waited until everyone had said there opinion and he said, "If everyone agrees then Okay." And then our new puppy had a name:) When we got home Sarge was following, and he reached the Garage and then we heard a whimper:( I came beside him and then we started walking to the steps, and then he started crying:( He got used to it a little bit and that night we put a powerpuff girls blanket in his cage for him to sleep in. And that night I had to sleep by him and take him out 4 times..ugh it was horrible! But now he sleeps just fine in the kitchen by himself and doesn't whimper or ever have to go out during the night:) Tell me your story in the comments:)