Live, Laugh, and Love

Live, Laugh, and Love

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

School & Sports:)

So this is my 3rd week of school, and I'm in 7th grade. I like bieng in seventh only because your closer to graduating but I won't be doing that for at least 6 more years, and also that I will be on the varsity team in basketball. I play two sports volleyball and basketball..I'm still deciding on whether or not to do softball. In volleyball from 6th-8th grade you are on the Junior Varsity team, and I'm captain of the J.V. team! I can over hand the ball and most people on the J.V. team can't I only know of me and my friend Bambi, whose in 8th grade. So at school you have to have a C or higher to play sports and I do, and it makes me feel accomplished with sports and having all of the homework I do (I have quite a lot). So I like school..well seeing all of my friends and messing around with my teachers and doing good in sports and what I don't like....well of course waking up at 5:45 and having a lot of homework and stuff but I really don't mind it:)
I know that some people don't have the chance to go to school...or a christian school like I do. But I try to make the best of school and it turns out really fun most of the time!

Tell me what makes you happy for school....or if anything does:P

Friday, August 10, 2012

My main priorities's this year!

Well last year I didn't get straight A's, so this year I'm trying to get straight A's all through out this year!
My number on priority is of course straight A's
2. No mis-completed homeworks
3. Volleyball\ any sports I'll playy
4. Being SO much more active than last year! haha
5. Being organized
6. Being as nice as I can be even if there's a fight or something going on:)
7. Being  myself
8. Watch less television
9. To not letting people bug me as easily:S
!10! Be sportive of my FRIENDS and FAMILY and being less shy than I was last year!:D

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Open House!

Today is open house and  I'm going into the seventh grade! Since I haven't seen my  friends this summer so I'm really excited!! Hopefully everything goes good!...I don't see why anything wouldn't but whatever:P There is so many things that make me look forward to school, those are: seeing all of my friends, volley-ball and basket ball, and messing with my favorite teacher!
Things that I won't enoy: getting up at 6:00am, test and quizes, and yeah!

                                   Thanks for  reading!<3
                                                                                                                                         ~Elizabeth H. D.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Best Friends ........continued......

And at school there is Rebecca:): She is a girl in my class i knew before i knew emily but emily
is just my all time best friend:) But Becca is pretty awesome too:D