Live, Laugh, and Love

Live, Laugh, and Love

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

So  tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! I love that's why I'm blogging about it! I love all of the good foods and seeing my family members that I haven't seen in a while. We all have our different reasons to like the holidays and those were mine:) Tomorrow or the next day I will post some pictures of me and my family. But here's a secret..Thanksgiving isn't my favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS is!!! I love all of the candles and cookies and me going to my best friends house and playing a game with her HUGE..GIGANTIC...ENORMOUS Christmas tree! What we do is someone will go in the corner until the other person is done hiding a cinnamon  stick in the tree and says ready and steps away from the tree. Then when you look for it the person who hid it will say warmer, colder, or your on FIRE!! It's always fun to play, but that's not why I love Christmas! Of course you will probably think it's because of the presents and all that good stuff:) And well that is partly the reason but it's also just because I love winter (not as much as I LOVE fall) and being able to sit by the fire drinking hot chocolate or something..(in my case hot tea.) or You and your family sitting on the couch watching old Christmas Specials together or something like that! But the BEST part of Christmas is Jesus being born!....well His birthday, because without him..guess what! There wouldn't be a Christmas or really ANYTHING!!

                                                                                       Thank you very much for reading this!
                                                                                                                ~Elizabeth H. Dykstra

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