Live, Laugh, and Love

Live, Laugh, and Love

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Saturday, June 30, 2012


When you get a dog/puppy you get this happy feeling, well I know I did! It was sooo boring from Brunswick to Dundee Flordia! But when we got him we came home and he was about 13 pounds, and now he his 5 and a half months old and weighs 37 pounds:) I have a favorite kind of dog, and it's a boxer and Sarge is a boxer. it can take forever to find the rite name for your dog, and when we got Sarge we still hadn't thought of a name for him! While my dad was driving and everyone was thinking including me, for some reason I thought of cheese. (Probably because I was hungry) Then I thought of Sargento cheese, which led me to Sargent (that's his real name) then Sarge popped up:) I said, "Hey! You guys, what about Sarge?!?" And my mom and sister said Okay, but my dad waited until everyone had said there opinion and he said, "If everyone agrees then Okay." And then our new puppy had a name:) When we got home Sarge was following, and he reached the Garage and then we heard a whimper:( I came beside him and then we started walking to the steps, and then he started crying:( He got used to it a little bit and that night we put a powerpuff girls blanket in his cage for him to sleep in. And that night I had to sleep by him and take him out 4 times..ugh it was horrible! But now he sleeps just fine in the kitchen by himself and doesn't whimper or ever have to go out during the night:) Tell me your story in the comments:)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


  • 1. When a girl says "I'm fat" and she knows she's not, but says it just for attention!
  • 2. When someone brags to you all the time about the SAME stuff over and over again..
  • 3. When your at someones house and you want to do something with them and they decide to be lazy and fall on the couch and say "Noooo.." and then you just sit there and be bored..
  • 4. When someone puts way too much blush on and they look like they have a fever..
  • 5. When you go to someones house and you go in their room and there's candy stuck to the dresser and dirty clothes behind the pillows and stuff...and then when you get there, their parents ask them to clean there room..

                                             I think that's it....In the comments post some of your pet peeves!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Getting my room re-done!!

So, have finally convince my dad to let me paint my room and stuff. I have had the SAME dressers (two of them), a bed frame, and a desk. Everything is "brown" but a tall dresser and my desk are the same but the "short" dresser is dark brown. My dad ordered a bed frame off of! It's white and if you go to it is called "Charleston Storage Loft Bed with Desk, White". Like I just said it is white:P I'm not getting rid of my curtains or comforter. My comforter is white with polka dots, and my curtains are layered. (Pink  Polka Dots  Pink)
(Pink  Polka Dots  Pink)    ........If you get what I'm saying:P
 (Pink Polka Dots  Pink)

But anyways I'm stuck on  what color to paint my room:( But if you have *any* suggestions I'll take them:) But be sure to be very clear about what color it is not like: BLUE! no, put it more like baby blue...or something:)

If you want to you can post in the comments what your room is like, just to give me some ideas.

Thanks for reading this you guys!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sarge went with us to Alabama yesterday and we left at 9:00A.M. and got home at 1:00A.M.. Sarge was sleeping most of the way and today he was acting weird......then he through up!:( I tried making him eat some grass, cause if you didn't know grass makes dogs feel better if they feel sick. So I really hope he gets to feeling better, and now he weighs from 30-35 pounds and is only fifteen weeks old:) I'll be glad when he get feeling better, and hopefully that's soon. He is also to the age when you open the front door he wants to run out into our yard then they neighbors, then the OTHER neighbors...Sarge is wild sometimes! If he sees you are using a pony-tail-holder he will jump on you,  bite the pony-tail-holder, and PULL! Victims: ME, my sister, my cousins mom..... Yeah, but he is a laid back dog...most of the time at least:P  He has only ever seen two cats and they Greyson and Holly...but he didn't really mind them....he wanted to know what Maggie was:3 I think they need a play date soon!!:)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

SO happy I'm going to Alabama tomorrow with my family!