Live, Laugh, and Love

Live, Laugh, and Love

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sarge went with us to Alabama yesterday and we left at 9:00A.M. and got home at 1:00A.M.. Sarge was sleeping most of the way and today he was acting weird......then he through up!:( I tried making him eat some grass, cause if you didn't know grass makes dogs feel better if they feel sick. So I really hope he gets to feeling better, and now he weighs from 30-35 pounds and is only fifteen weeks old:) I'll be glad when he get feeling better, and hopefully that's soon. He is also to the age when you open the front door he wants to run out into our yard then they neighbors, then the OTHER neighbors...Sarge is wild sometimes! If he sees you are using a pony-tail-holder he will jump on you,  bite the pony-tail-holder, and PULL! Victims: ME, my sister, my cousins mom..... Yeah, but he is a laid back dog...most of the time at least:P  He has only ever seen two cats and they Greyson and Holly...but he didn't really mind them....he wanted to know what Maggie was:3 I think they need a play date soon!!:)

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